Sandwich Bar

Our extensive menu and range of products are available from our sandwich bar and are freshly made to your own specific requirements.

There are a variety breads to choose from as well as special sandwich fillings that change on a daily basis (see our Specials by clicking here: Specials)

Our full sandwich bar menu can be found by clicking the button below– but don’t forget that we also have a tempting range of cakes, many of which we bake ourselves!

Why not complete your order with a cold drink from our extensive range of bottled waters, fresh juices and energy drinks as well as the usual Coke, Fanta and other fizzy favourites.

We also have a wide selection of crisps, chocolate and confectionary. If you have any special requests we will always do our best to provide it. If you’re not sure or need further assistance please call us on 0151 227 4878.